The Upper Thames River Conservation Area is asking for a bigger increase to their budget in 2019.
OXFORD COUNTY - The Upper Thames River Conservation Area presented their 2019 budget to Oxford County.
The UTRCA asked for a increase of $57,000 this year.
UTRCA General Manager Ian Wilcox says they cover a lot of work in Oxford County.
"We've done a lot of environmental monitoring over time, we do a lot of reporting about conditions in the watershed, the water quality, the amount of forest cover."
Wilcox adds the UTRCA watershed resides in Northwest Oxford.
"We cover all of Zorra, lots of East Zorra-Tavistock, a bit of Blandford-Blenheim, we have all of Woodstock-Ingersoll, a large portion of Southwest Oxford and a smaller portion of Norwich."
The overall ask from the County this year is for just under $1 million dollars.
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