The Let's Get Cookin' program will be at three elementary schools in Perth County this spring, as it gives kids an opportunity to learn basic cooking skills and food safety.
PERTH COUNTY - The Huron Perth Public Health unit is looking for volunteers for their Let's Get Cookin' program.
The hands-on program is a pilot project that will be happening at three Perth County elementary schools this spring.
Volunteers will lead seven weekly sessions during the School day in April and May 2020. Sessions will be offered at schools in Perth East and North Perth.
Let's Get Cookin' gives kids an opportunity to learn basic cooking skills and food safety in a setting that promotes teamwork and builds confidence. Kids will gain confidence in the kitchen by learning how to wash, peel, chop, grate, dice, slice and measure ingredients for recipes that they prepare and sample each week. Public Health Dietician Michele Hurd says they have high hopes for the program.
"Let’s Get Cookin’ is a program that helps kids feel comfortable in the kitchen and gets them excited about food."
The health unit will provide volunteer training and supplies. Training is scheduled for Tuesday, March 26.
If you are interested in this short-term volunteer opportunity, call the Coordinator of Volunteer Services, Donna Bentz, at 1-888-221-2133 x3305 or email dbentz@hpph.ca.
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