VON Sakura House has been handed a giant cheque from the Tim Hortons restaurants in Woodstock.
WOODSTOCK - The Tim Horton's stores in Woodstock were able to help out VON Oxford in a huge way.
On Tuesday they presented VON with a cheque for over $39,000 thanks to the Smile Cookie campaign. Manager of Fund Development Catherine Dorais Plesko says the money will go towards Sakura House.
"Well we are very fortunate that the Woodstock community is so supportive of the VON Sakura House. We need to raise approximately $600,000 annually just to support the house and make sure the heat is on, the lights are on, fix the plumbing, those kinds of things. In addition we use those funds to create programs."
She adds one of the programs they would use the funds for is the Children's Bereavement program.
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