Men in red heels will take over downtown Woodstock Saturday morning to support Domestic Abuse Service Oxford (DASO).
WOODSTOCK - It's that time of year again when men in Oxford County slip their feet into a pair of heels and take to the streets.
The seventh annual Walk a Mile in Her Shoes event is scheduled for Saturday morning at Museum Square in Woodstock.
Domestic Abuse Services Oxford Development and Communications Manager Barb Wright says it's a very unique event with all of the proceeds going to support the programs at DASO.
"The impact has such far reaching effects. Not only the funds that are raised but just the awareness that is raised through this event."
Wright says this is the seventh annual event, but the organization is celebrating a milestone this year.
"It's our 40th anniversary of service in the communities of Oxford County and in that time we have helped more than 14,000 women and children throughout the County. We are humbled by that and these are brave women and children. We feel privileged that we are able to help them improve their lives."
Woodstock Police Constable Steve McEwen has been participating in the event for a number of years.
"It is a good time. We do have some fun with it. Woodstock Police, we put our team in there including Chief Freeman and we go down, put on the red shoes and do our mile walk."
After "walking the walk" guest speakers will "talk the talk," sharing their insights and inspiring stories.
The purpose of the event is to call attention to the issue of gender-based violence, and to raise funds for the sexual assault and abuse counselling programs in Oxford County.
The walk goes from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm.
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