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War Amps Keychains

Residents will soon be receiving War Amps key tags in the mail - and War Amps is encouraging people to use the free service.

It's the time of the year where Woodstonians will be receiving packages in the mail that will include key tags from the War Amps of Canada.  Safety Event Coordinator, with War Amps of Canada, James Jordan, breaks down how this free service could have your lost vehicle keys returned to you.  "Every Canadian with a drivers licence would receive a War Amps key tag.  There is a confidentially coded 9 digit number that is linked to your name and address where the finder can drop them into any mailbox.  All the support that we receive goes to fund artificial limbs and programs for adult and child amputees across the country to live active and healthy lives."       

As the nearly 70 year tradition continues Jordan wants you to take advantage of this free service with not as much of an emphasis on donating.  "There is no obligation to donate at all!  I'm encouraging people to use the free service, when you receive them in the mail you just put them right on your key chain and they are good to go.  We provide this service to all Canadians, and those people who have those keys returned might donate a few dollars to us. The service works, people donate when they lose their keys, and they get them back by their surprise in the mail."          

More than 1.5 million keys have been returned from this program, and amputees, Jordan included, benefit greatly from an artificial limb that makes daily tasks that much easier.  "I'm missing my left arm below the elbow.  I now use basically a robotic hand, when I flex my muscle, it sends a signal to the hand telling it to open and this arm that I am using is upwards of $25,000.  Just to put a leg on a young child is about $10,000-15,000. The sky is the limit for these kids, if you could see them in action you would be quite inspired." Jordan urges residents of Woodstock to donate whatever you can when you receive you War Amps package with the key tags in the coming weeks      

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