In addition to holding appointments to microchip your pet, they will also be holding multiple events to help raise money over the course of this month including a pie in the face contest and a bake sale. Proceeds will go towards the Farley Foundation.
WOODSTOCK - The Wellington Animal Hospital in Woodstock is hosting Microchip Month.
Throughout this month you can make appointments to microchip your pets, with proceeds going towards the Farley Foundation.
Registered Veterinary Technician Alyssa Fries says they hold fundraisers for the Farley Foundation every year.
"You'll come in, fill out a piece of paper that gives us your information, an emergency contact information and your pet's information. You'll come on in to an exam room, one of our veterinary technicians will distract your animals with treats so we put some liver paste or liver treats on the floor, they're busy eating that and then we give them a little needle in the skin on the back of the neck, in between the shoulder blades, and then they're microchipped."
Microchip Month has raised over $2,000 in the last few years. The Farley Foundation provides emergency care to pets from low-income families.
Fries says they have a pie in the face contest to also raise money for the organization.
"This year we decided to do a microchip clinic to help animals be able get back home because you saw a lot more lost animals probably than you did before, maybe because of social media, but this is just an extra way to make sure that they get back to their families."
Fries says clients can donate to a staff member and at the end of the month the staff member who receives the most money in their jar will get a pie in the face, which will be broadcast live on Facebook.
Each microchip costs $30.00.
She says they ask you book by appointment so they can ensure they have the staffing available to be able to do the procedure. Fries adds they're currently pretty flexible with their schedule where they can make sure to accommodate everybody.
They're also be holding a bake sale to raise money for the initiative on October 29th.
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