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World's Best Weekend

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What To Do With All Those Packages, Boxes, and Bags

All those Christmas trappings need to go somewhere once you've finished with them - Wasteline can help take away some of the confusion about holiday waste.

All those gifts and big holiday dinners means a lot of garbage and the County is putting out a few tips to make sure everything gets disposed of properly.

Waste Management Coordinator Pam Antonio says when you've finished unwrapping everything under the tree, you need to make sure all those ribbons and bows end up in the right bin. "With the holiday season upon us, residents will find they're placing more items in their recycling bin than normal; a couple things to keep in mind is that wrapping paper is acceptable to go into the blue box unless it has foil on it as well as bows and tape - those items will need to be put into the garbage bin.

Antonio says you also need to make sure all cardboard is neat and tidy when it goes out to the curb. "There's always higher volumes of cardboard boxes, cardboard packaging. So the big thing with that is to remember that all cardboard needs to be flattened and tied and bundled. They should be put into bundles of around 30 inches by 8 inches. We need to have them at that size to allow them to go into the truck."

Curbside collection could also be bumped around by the holidays. "We do have three curbside collection programs operating within the county so it's really important that residents refer to their waste management calendar or go onto wasteline.ca and type in their address to see if their collection has been affected at all by the Christmas holiday or New Years holiday," Antonio says.

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