The Woodstock Christian School will be hosting their 24th annual WinterFest Auction this week. The event is free and it will look to raise money to help the operating costs of the school, helping families alleviate the cost of high tuition.
WOODSTOCK - The annual Winterfest Auction is happening at the Woodstock Christian School.
The event is free and it will look to raise money to help the operating costs of the school, helping families alleviate the cost of high tuition.
Co-organizer Lisa Schaafsma says everyone is invited to attend.
"You'll get your bidder number and you can also use that bidder number for the silent auction items, we actually have two silent auctions. One will close at 7:30 pm and the other one will close at 8:30 pm."
The free event is this Friday night where over 300 items will be available between their live and silent auctions.
She adds the items will include three different Toronto Maple Leafs tickets, a behind the scenes tour of CTV London and an iPad.
Schaafsma says they're looking to raise $60,000 this year in honour of the school's 60th anniversary.
"We are so appreciative of all the local businesses that have donated and supported our school and we would love to have the community involved and to see our school and to support the local Christian School."
She adds in the past the auction has generated anywhere from $50,000 to $90,000 in just one night and she says they're very thankful for the generosity from the community.
The doors open at 6:00 pm and the auction gets underway at 7:00 pm.
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