Big Brothers & Big Sisters of Woodstock gets Trillium Grant
Christmas came a few days early for Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Woodstock.
Today, the organization received an Ontario Trillium Grant for $85,500.
That money will be spread over 3-years to hire a full-time staff member to help coordinate group programs, and volunteers.
Brian George with the Trillium selection committee says this application was chosen because it can make a big impact. "The fact that this is a 3-year grant, it's an ongoing project for them. Not only does it provide a job in the community, it will also impact on a lot of the kids waiting for matches."
Board of Directors Co-Chair Sandra Sloan says it's a big boost that will help with running group programs. "This person will be more community based, coordinating our volunteers who maybe want to volunteer around their jobs, so we can be more flexible and we're not tied to a certain hour in their school."
Sloan outlines some of the group programs current available. "We have group programs in the schools. We have 'Go Girls' for our young women, 11-14-years-old. We have a 'Game On' program for our boys and they're largely running in the schools, but we have them out in the community."
There are currently over 80 children on the waiting list for Big Brothers and Big Sisters in Woodstock.
Click here for more information on how you can get involved.
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