Liz Wismer Van Meer is an active volunteer, worked with several non-profit agencies, and worked in local radio for over eight years. She's looking to add Woodstock City Councillor to her list of accomplishments.
WOODSTOCK - A familiar face in the Friendly City has launched a campaign to become a Woodstock City Councillor.
Liz Wismer Van Meer is life long resident of Woodstock. She's also an active volunteer, worked with several non-profit agencies, and spent over eight years working in local radio.
She enjoyed interviewing municipal election candidates when she worked in radio and has been thinking about becoming a candidate herself ever since. Wismer Van Meer says one of her fellow candidates encouraged her to run now.
"A fellow candidate said where are you going to be in four years compared to where you are now and I said that's exactly the point. I don't see myself anywhere different in four years than I do right now that would change my position on running. So let's do this! This is time."
If she's elected next month, Wismer Van Meer would like to bring a multi-use youth centre to the Friendly City.
"This would be a place for kids to go and do activities, play board games, hang out with local youth, play darts, play pool, and maybe we'll have some sports-related activities there as well. I also want to see this as a hub that offers resources like Wellkin, Big Brothers Big Sisters, and mental health supports for youth so that way there's not that stigma or that label. Kids can go to that one-stop-shop and have everything available for them."
Wismer Van Meer is currently the Resource Development Manager for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Oxford County. She says her time with Big Brothers Big Sisters has shown her how local youth local organizations need better support from the municipal government.
Those looking for more information regarding Wismer Van Meer's campaign can visit her Facebook page.
Woodstock residents will head to the polls on October 24th.
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