The Women's Employment Resources Centre is in desperate need of some food donations.
WOODSTOCK - The Women's Employment Resources Centre is in desperate need of some food donations.
Executive Director Heather Bree-Davies says Centre is not a food bank, however they do like to provide some of their clients with food when they need it.
"So the women that we work with, a lot of them have barriers to employment, so things can be child care, transportation, housing, criminal record, mental health, addiction, the list goes on and on. So we like to take holistic approach to women who use our service and help her address some of those barriers and food security is one of those. So sometimes when a woman is in a crisis situation and she needs an emergency supply of food. So whether that is to help with school lunches, make sure she has lunch for the first week of work or even just to help take the stress off buying groceries so they can pay another bill."
Bree-Davies adds they are looking for non perishable food items.
"So things like snacks for school lunches, juice boxes, rice, staples like pasta, pasta sauce, peanut butter, we can put things like bagels and bread as long as they are packaged into our freezer, things like soups and canned tuna, things that we could make sure someone can make real meal out of."
Bree Davis explains what they do at the Women's Employment Centre.
"We provide employment services free of charge for women who are looking for work, maybe looking for a career change, retraining, upgrading their education, we can help with resumes, cover letters, interview skills, career exploration, we have workshops, we have a 12 week workplace program and a lot of workplace programs. So basically we help women who are looking for employment or education."
The Centre is funded through Employment Ontario, The County of Oxford and the Ministry of Children Community and Social Services. You can drop off the food donations to the Women's Employment Centre at 424 Dundas Street.
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