It will be at least the fall before the new Woodstock Art Gallery Board takes over. Council voted Thursday night to replace the current advisory committee which would see much of the gallery's decision making taken out of the hands of council with the exception of the final budget approval. The creation of the board will also put the gallery in a better position when applying for federal and provincial grants. Manager of Culture & Museum Curator Karen Houston says Art gallery will continue to be governed by an advisory committee while final details for the change over to a board are hammered out. "I think that if we're taking the summer to actually see what the bylaw will be, the fall is going to be on hammering out whatever questions and concerns the public or the council may have at that point and if not, it will take a shorter amount of time and if there are concerns it will take longer. " Houston says at this point, she is not sure how many of the current committee members would be interested in joining the new advisory board.