Staff will come up with options, as well as work with police to see how other communities have reduced their speed limits. Council is expected to receive a report at a meeting in the near future.
WOODSTOCK - One Woodstock resident's presentation at a recent city council meeting has prompted staff to find ways on how to lower the speed limit on George Street.
Thomas Ryerson was in attendance to present a petition signed by himself and 107 of his neighbours.
Mayor Trevor Birtch says staff will come up with a report.
"What we see is this is a problem not just one area in the city, it's all over the city and it's not unique to Woodstock. There is a lot of people that are not slowing down properly in residential neighbourhoods. Now staff will be providing a report to council to let us have some options on what we can do, if there is any traffic calming measures as well. We'll be having more discussions with the police in looking at some of the other communities around. We see that Hamilton is making the step to reduce all residential neighbourhoods to 40 kilometres per hour, all school zones to 30 kilometres an hour."
Mayor Birtch adds while the changes in speed limit may not necessarily stop speeding from happening, drivers will receive a greater fine if they are caught.
Ryerson's delegation says George Street runs from Huron Street to Wellington Street with no stop signs in between. He says he has lived in the area since 2003 and there has been an increase in speeding by drivers after the reconstruction of the road in 2013. He says drivers are using it to avoid slow-ups on Dundas Street and to stop and shop at the beer store located at George & Beale Street.
Mayor Birtch says the changes will create a safer environment for everyone.
"Make sure everyone realizes that it takes a little while longer for seniors to cross the road and they are quite active in that area, as well as there's many young families with children and it'd be nice to see children playing out front rather than having to play video games in the house. But with some of the driving habits of individuals, I know that some parents feel unsafe letting their children play there so hopefully we can all grow through this process as we study it and look at the options."
Council is expected to receive a report at a meeting in the near future.
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