Update: Dog has been found
UPDATE: Dec 31 - Public Health says they have tracked down the dog
WOODSTOCK - Oxford County Public health are looking for a woman with short blonde hair after a local Woodstock woman was bitten by a dog at College Avenue Secondary School.
According to Public Health Inspector Ainsley Pemberton, around 2 p.m. on December 28th the local resident and the blonde woman's dog were play fighting inside a fenced area when the resident stepped in to break up the dogs. It was during this time the local female resident was bitten by the blonde woman's dog. The dog involved in the biting incident is being described as Boxer or Rottweiler, brindle in colour and goes by the name "Ace".
An investigation into biting incidents is required when skin is punctured or there is an exchange of fluids. The woman who was bitten requires proof of vaccination in order to avoid rabies vaccinations.
Oxford County Public Health reminds residents that Rabies is a fatal disease. In the event of a dog bite residents should report dog bites to Public Health to confirm vaccinations are up to date.
If you are bitten or scratched by an animal, wash the wound thoroughly with soap and water, seek medical attention and call Public Health at 519-539-9800, ext. 3410 or 1-800-755-0394.
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