A father and daughter team from Woodstock are working hard to raise awareness about a rare disorder known as Hereditary Angioedema or H.A.E
WOODSTOCK - A father and daughter team are working hard to raise awareness about a rare disorder known as Hereditary Angioedema or H.AE. Ken Howlett has had H.A.E for his entire life and wasn't diagnosed properly so he get treatment until he was in his 20's. Because H.A.E is hereditary he got it from his father and passed it on to two of his three children including his daughter Amanda. Howlett has attacks just about every week. HAE causes severe swelling on your hands, face, feet and other body parts, it also causes nausea and vomiting when the swelling is in the abdominal area. It can be fatal if the swelling happens in the throat. Amanda was tested at a young age and says she doesn't have it as bad as her dad because she was able to get treatment right away. She says she usually suffers from attacks once a month and they are less severe and less frequent then her father. She adds the two are members of H.A.E Canada, an organization where people with HAE can come together. Only 700 people in Canada have H.A.E and the Howlett's are doing a media blitz to get people talking about the disorder to raise awareness. This Saturday is actually H.A.E awareness day.
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