Over 30 carbon monoxide detectors will be distributed to high risk homes in the city
WOODSTOCK - The Woodstock Fire Department are committed to reduce deaths related to fire and carbon monoxide poisoning through Project Zero.
Union Gas has donated 33 CO detectors that will be placed in high risk residential homes throughout the city. Member of the Fire Marshall Safety Council, Terry McGivern, is hopeful this will give people the opportunity to get out of their home alive. "We're looking at developing partnership with businesses and industry to help promote fire safety in Ontario, and Union Gas joined this Project Zero campaign in 2014. When you think about carbon monoxide in particular deaths are 100% preventable all that is required is a relatively inexpensive alarm."
Service Utility Manager with Union Gas, Kevin Carr, believes that personal safety is the key message they wish to push. "Union Gas does feel that safety is number 1, we want all of our employees to go home every day safe, and we also want everyone who is in their home to be safe. We find that our core values help provide support in the communities that we serve, if that means providing support to members such as the Woodstock Fire Department then we are more than happy to do that."
Over 80% of carbon monoxide related deaths happen in homes that included the incident from nearly 7 years ago when the entire Hawkins family died following harmful CO levels in their home. Fire Chief Scott Tegler hasn't forgotten about that and is excited about this partnership. "It was a significant event that occurred and Union Gas has been supportive of us for a number of years. They have provided funds for us to help us purchase carbon monoxide detectors that we can distribute to families in our community. When our staff responds to an emergency where maybe a CO detector isn't available they can ensure that they are leaving knowing that family is protected." Since its inception in 2009 Project Zero has been launched in nearly 90 communities and have teamed up with 15 local fire departments resulting in 500 combined CO and fire detectors to be handed out. Carbon Monoxide, often referred to as the silent killer, is a toxic gas that can be in our home without you knowing, which led Oxford MPP Ernie Hardeman in April to mandate every home must have a detector.
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