Woodstock-Oxford Rotary continues to match donations to help support local families, children and the homeless.
OXFORD COUNTY - The Woodstock-Oxford Rotary is continuing to match donations to help some of the most vulnerable people in our community right now.
All of the money raised will stay local and it will go towards providing help to families, children and the homeless in Oxford County. Woodstock-Oxford Rotary will match donations up to $8,000 to help with local community needs.
You can donate and be eligible for a CRA tax receipt online at https://www.canadahelps.org/en/dn/12109 or go to WoodstockOxfordRotary.org and follow the links to Donate. CRA tax receipts will be issued via email.
In the past Rotary has supported youth projects, such as scholarships and YMCA activities. During the past few months, they have supplied a BBQ and food, each Saturday to the Community Free Table and
items to the Circle of Friends table.
More recently, this club has donated a total of $8,000. locally for food vouchers, groceries and toiletries, going to those in need during these challenging times.
If you want to help your neighbour, you can donate online and receive a CRA tax receipt at WoodstockOxfordRotary.org.(Select the Donate links to contribute and Make a Difference).
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