The Woodstock Police Service is part of a new program informing the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario where the last place a person consumed alcohol was when they are stopped for drinking and driving related offences.
WOODSTOCK - The Woodstock Police are the latest force to join the Last Drink Program.
Woodstock Police Inspector Darren Sweazey says it focuses on strengthening the partnerships between the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario and participating police partners.
"We certainly take every opportunity that we can to educate the public about the dangers of drinking and driving. It's important to stress the importance of the responsible consumption and the responsible sale of alcohol, and the Last Drink program helps us do just that."
Under the Last Drink Program, Ontario police services inform the AGCO about any alcohol-related driving offences where the drivers named a licensed establishment as the last place where they consumed alcohol. This information allows the AGCO to identify educational opportunities to work with licensees to better meet their regulatory obligations.
The Last Drink Program is in use by all OPP detachments and 20 municipal and regional police services across the province.
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