Woodstock Police are encouraging kids to not only dress appropriately, but for parents to be out with them so they're safe and aware of their surroundings this Halloween.
WOODSTOCK - As kids are out trick or treating on Saturday, Woodstock Police will be patrolling the streets.
Every year officers are assisted by auxiliary members with extra patrols to ensure the community is safe and acts of mischief are prevented.
Police will be out actively patrolling the City of Woodstock throughout the nights of October 30th and 31st to ensure everyone and their property is safe. Be sure to secure your property by locking up your home and vehicles and check that home security cameras are operating properly. Report any suspicious activity to Woodstock Police at 519-537-2323.
Trick-or-Treating Safety Tips: keep your children safe by teaching them to stay visible and to be aware of their surroundings.
- Parents should supervise their children while trick-or-treating;
- Give each child a flashlight;
- Tell children to only go to houses that are well lit;
- Make sure children never go inside homes or cars;
- Teach your children to be careful crossing the street. Make sure they look both ways and only cross when no vehicles are coming. Cross streets at corners and never cross between parked cars;
- Teach your children to not eat any candy until they get home and all of the candy has been examined for tampering;
- Avoid consuming hand wrapped or homemade food;
- Monitor children when giving them any treats that could be potential choking hazards.
Choose the right costume: Ensure your children are dressed appropriately.
- Make sure that accessories such as wings and capes are not around flames and are secured in a way that are not a choking hazard should they get caught;
- Choose bright costumes that can clearly be seen by motorists and wear reflective material. WPS has a limited supply of reflective bracelets available;
- Use make up instead of full head/face masks – these type of masks especially if they do not fit properly can interfere with children’s visibility;
- Ensure costumes are not too big to avoid unnecessary falls;
- Dress for the weather.
COVID-19 Health & Safety Tips: Halloween may look a little different, but if you
- Wear a mask when interacting with trick-or-treaters;
- Keep an eye on the door or sit outside to await trick-or-treaters to avoid multiple people touching doorbells, doorknobs or knocking;
- Use tools like tongs to hand out candy rather than having a communal bowl for many hands to reach in;
- Trick-or-treaters are encouraged to wear a mask (Halloween designs or costume related masks are a bonus!);
- Encourage trick-or-treaters to take their turns approaching houses to maintain physical distancing;
- Or find a creative alternative way to celebrate other than door to door trick-or-treating such as a treat hunt at home.
Decorations: Avoid fire and tripping hazards to prevent injuries
- Let children draw on pumpkins and parents carve them;
- Use battery operated candles in jack-o-lanterns and other decorations to avoid unnecessary fires and burns;
- Do not overload extension cords and check for broken or damages wires or sockets;
- Keep pathways to the house clear of power cords for decorations and other tripping hazards.
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