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Woodstock Police to Conduct School Safety Blitz

With students returning to school the Woodstock Police Service are cracking down on those disobeying the rules of the road

WOODSTOCK - School is in session with the Woodstock Police and their School Safety Blitz.

Woodstock Police Constable and Media Relations Officer Nikki VanLeeuwan says this campaign has been going on for a while now. "So we'll be watching for distracted driving for sure, the cell phone use, speeding in school zones, seatbelt infractions. Specifically we're going to be watching for children and making sure that they're secure in booster seats properly. That drivers aren't parking in the no parking, no stopping zones around the schools as well."

Being forgetful and driving too fast in a school zone will land you with more than just after school detention. "Most of the zones are 40 kilometre an hour zones, so if they're going say 60 kilometres an hour, so 20 kilometres over the limit, you're looking at over $100 in fines," says Constable VanLeeuwan. "And then if you're going 40 kilometres over you're looking at about $300 in fines."

On the whole, Constable VanLeeuwan says there hasn't been too many infractions. "There's always tickets, there's always you know the person that may be a bit complacent and not paying attention that does speed through those areas. But I would say generally this community does a really good job at following the rules of the road."

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