A special ceremony is planned for Remembrance Day at the Woodstock Cenotaph
WOODSTOCK - A number of local veterans who fought for our freedoms are expected to be in attendance at the Remembrance Day Ceremony in Woodstock on Wednesday.
The service will get started at 10:30 a.m. at the cenotaph in Woodstock. President of the Woodstock Legion Local 55 branch Stan Whiston tells Heart FM why it is so important to honour our veterans.
"It conveys a message to the ongoing generations about the futility of war and the sacrifices that these people have made to defend freedom."
Whiston says the ceremony will start with some laying of the wreaths, and then around 10:45 our veterans and cadets will come marching in before the moment of silence. The Harvards are also expected to do a fly by during the service. He notes they aren't sure how many veterans will be in attendance.
"Depends quite often on the weather and on their condition. We are rapidly losing our veterans, there are still a number of them around, I suspect we have had some more recent veterans coming out in recent years, particularly the people who have served in Afghanistan."
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