Woodstock's first permanent skatepark has received an official name. City Council agreed that it be called the Woodstock Rotary Skate/Bike Park Thursday evening. "We're very excited that the skate park be named after Rotary. One of the things that you see in many communities is there is a Rotary skatepark or ball diamond and we don't have that in Woodstock, although we've been around for 88 years now. So we'd like people to know that we're around and keep our visibility high in the community," said Past President of the club Rick Shaheen. Councillor Deborah Tait says they deserve the acknowledgement: "Rotary Club has done a lot in the community. They've never been recognized. You go into other communities and they have buildings named after them. But it's not just about the money it's about the hours too that they put in." Shaheen says they would like to stay involved if there were any enhancements to the park in the future.