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Woodstock Students Conducting Radar Patrols

Heart FM Local News

Algonquin Public students are asking drivers to slow down near their school.


It's part of the Student Radar program run by Woodstock Police where students stood out on Springbank this morning conducting radar patrols.


Grade 6 teacher Jennifer Lynch says the students each created their own hand made traffic ticket with a personalize message on it for drivers.


"We were just stressing the importance of, it's a kids zone. We're trying to get drivers to be conscience of children in the area and it just relates to the children a little more and reminding their parents. Right now they are having fun with the radar guns, talking to the police officers, getting hands on experience with them."


"We tie it into the health curriculum, about personal safety and the safety of themselves and others around them."


Constable Steve McEwen tells Heart FM about the program.


"We're checking vehicles for speed. Stopping the vehicles that are speeding. Some of the younger grades at the school have made up hand made tickets just to remind drivers that there is a school in this area and we want them to slow down."


The program will continue tomorrow afternoon near Central Public School.

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