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Wounded Warriors Event Paying Tribute Private Tyler William Todd


Lots of activities will be under way at the 8th annual Wounded Warriors Fundraiser.

PLATSVILLE - There is lots of events on tap for the 8th annual Wounded Warriors Fundraiser. 

It will take place at the Platsville Arena next Friday and Saturday.  

There will be something to do for all ages. A list of activities taking place: 

- Youth ball hockey tournament Friday and Saturday
- Co-ed ice hockey tournament Friday and Saturday
- Firetruck, construction and military equipment on display
- Easter egg hunt (Scheduled for 1pm sharp on Friday March 30th at Platsville Park)
- Bouncy castle
- Other youth games
- Live music
- Opening ceremonies at 6pm Friday
- Special guests
- Wounded Warriors
- Branch 50 Legion Kitchener
- Dave Sophia Portraits of Honour
- Poppy Memorial – Kingston
- Armed Forces
- Veteran’s Affairs Canada
- Knights of St. George
- WW1 display
- Adult dances Friday and Saturday night
- Rays Reptiles
- Live auction
- Silent auction
- Raffle prizes
- BBQ and other food booths

This two day event that was created in loving memory of Private Tyler William Todd who lost his life while serving in Afghanistan in 2011. It helps to raise money for those veterans suffering from PTSD. 

Organizer Trevor Baer says it may not be in Woodstock, but Woodstock plays a large roll in the fundraiser. 

"I'd like to thank all the people that donate to it. A lot of people from Woodstock donate to it. Tyler wasn't just from Bright Ontario, he was well known in Woodstock, he went to highschool in Woodstock. We get a lot of donations from Woodstock businesses and personal people. We would just like to thank them for helping out with this event."

Their goal is to educate all ages of Canadians on the armed forces and what they are doing in the world, bring Canadians together to honour fallen soldiers, help Canadian wounded veterans/soldiers by raising funds at this event and to educate all ages about Wounded Warriors.

Baer says the fundraiser has grown throughout the years. 

"It's grown every year, a lot of people take part, a lot of people want to help out and do things."

For more information and a complete schedule of the events click here http://toddevents.ca/

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