The County of Brant has established a phone number and email address for anyone with comments, concerns about the face covering bylaw that has been in place for over a week now.
BRANT COUNTY - The County of Brant has established a phone number and email address for anyone with comments, concerns about the face covering bylaw.
The bylaw has been in place for over a week now after start on July 20th. It supports business owners who operate in enclosed public spaces to require face covering use from their staff and patrons. It also requires people to use face coverings when using Brant eRide, the County’s micro public transit system. There are exceptions noted within the Face Covering By-law. For example, small children and those with a medical condition are exempt.
If you have comment about the Face Covering By-law, want to report a concern or have a question, please contact the County of Brant at covid-19@brant.ca or call 519.44-BRANT (519.442.7268) or 1.855.44-BRANT from Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. The Bylaw team is happy to assist you.
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