Zorra Township is among the places who will allow Cannabis retail stores in their area.
ZORRA TOWNSHIP - Zorra Township is among the places who will allow Cannabis retail stores in their area.
Council unanimously decided to not opt out during their latest council meeting.
Mayor Marcus Ryan says it was only a matter of time before Cannabis retail stores had a place in town.
"We felt that it was an inevitable outcome of the changes in federal and provincial policy that would it one day be allowed, that it was going to be a reality of business and by-law enforcement in the Township."
Ryan says the province has also provided the town with regulations.
"There's exclusion zones around our three Zorra elementary schools where those businesses can't operate, and of course as retail stores they'd have to comply with all the normal zoning as well, around where our retail commercial sales can happen."
Townships in Ontario have until the end of January to decide if they want to allow Cannabis retail stores in their area.
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